Saturday, November 28, 2009

Good News and Bad News

This will be a necessarily spare post, for reasons which will become clear shortly. The Good News is that Thanksgiving at Angela's and Danny's was typically wonderful and that my return to Austin on Friday was pleasant, as I departed early enough that holiday traffic was "not a factor". I arrived home soon enough that I didn't miss any football. The Bad News is that at halftime of the Alabama / Auburn game, my eight year old computer crashed - evaluation of the meltdown damage is TBD and will probably trickle in over the next few weeks.

The Good news is that my New Computer - which I obtained this morning as soon as BestBuy opened - is up and running. The Bad News is I'll be very busy and have to be very lucky to recover all my data. Even the pictures I took Thursday in Arlington had already been dumped to the computer. I've got a recovery plan - it just remains to be seen whether it's any good or not.

The Good News is that the Old Machine lasted through the Windows Vista Era. The Bad News is I don't have a clue whether my favorite image processing software will run on Windows 7 - I've been using that software, Micrografx Picture Publisher, since Version 2 and had been using the final Version 10 (there will be no updates) and I absolutely hate Photoshop.

I was going to continue with the Good News, Bad News theme but I think I'd better get busy implementing my recovery plan. I already found out last night that I don't enjoy the football as much when I can't access the Internet during the games. I'm sure glad I got my new TV a couple of months ago to help me through this. . .

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