Friday, June 1, 2018

Day Three, Alabama Hills / Mt Whitney Bonus

This set of shots were all shot in the Alabama Hills and most of them have Mt Whitney - or at least the Sierras - in the background. A few brief comments for some of these to highlight something that caught my attention. . .

Note the sneering disembodied head  at the left edge of the picture. Then the horizontal rock that starts 1/4 of the way in from the left edge and ends at the middle of the shot. It looks like it's been carved. That may have angered the disembodied head. The carved rock is zoomed in below.

This made me think of a bunch of granite surfboards for rent, on display sticking out of the sand on a beach that misplaced its ocean.

This just made me glad I hadn't parked all the way down there - or even worse, behind that hill.

I just like the rocks in the near right corner, leading the eye to the center of the composition, the elements of which are so disparate.

Like the previous one - the same mountain in the background of both and a foreground completely different from the preceding one.

And once more, but even Mt Whitney's been replaced in this one as well as the foreground  elements.

I'm just pleased so much of the picture is in focus. That's not always the case. A little closer attention to detail with the sage brush in the foreground would have nailed it.

The end of the shoot, but still a fair amount of driving to do to get to Hanford. As Uncle Kirksey used to say, "On to bigger and better things!"

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