Monday, October 19, 2009

Random Portraits

Well, Saturday's game against Oklahoma was something less than impressive - except perhaps to Sam Bradford. But even so, a win is a win. Perhaps some time over the next few weeks things will come together for the Longhorns and we'll finish up the season in a memorable manner.

All three of these pictures were taken in 2002. The one above, of Gillian and Summer was taken in late June , a few months after Summer was moved to a new stable in West Cobb County.

This picture of Angela was taken one night over at Mom's house in Grand Prairie. I can't remember what she was chuckling about, but she's typically in a good mood whenever she's around family - and Christmas was only a few days off.

This picture of Donna's brother, David, was taken in July at Jonathan and Heather's wedding reception in Mount Pleasant. I've always liked David - he's a "what you see is what you get" kind of guy. I always enjoy getting a chance to see him.

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