Sunday, May 23, 2010

Grand View And The Green River Side

Well. . . this is awkward. . . I've been playing with Google Maps and Hey, What's That? much of the afternoon and all evening, and determined that I had made an error in my description of the last picture of yesterday's post. I had mislocated the Orange Cliffs overlook, so misidentified some landmarks. The feature in the middle of the picture is Ekker Butte (6226 ft). On the left, in the middle distance is Elaterite Butte (6552 ft). The mountains on the horizon are, indeed, the Henry Mountains. So, where's Cleopatra's Chair? About a quarter of the way in from the right edge of the picture - the yellowish feature standing above the horizon. Sorry 'bout that. Sometimes my enthusiasm confuses me and I consider myself lucky when I catch my mistakes.

I'll try not to let my enthusiasm run wild with today's pictures. The picture above is looking east-northeast at - what else - the La Sal Mountains from the parking area of the Grand View Overlook.

This is nearly the same view, but the viewpoint has moved south to the overlook itself. The tear in the earth's crust at the bottom right isn't as frightening as the one at Buck Canyon - it's not aimed at us - but it leads to Monument Basin, southeast of Grand View.

This shot is from the same spot, but looking south. The canyon is the west wing of Monument Basin. I'd love to tell you what that lone peak is a bit right of the center, but I haven't figured it out yet. . .

If the La Sal Mountains are anywhere around, it's hard not to make them the center of attention. The viewpoint here is halfway between Grand View and Buck Canyon overlooks. On the near floor in the foreground, Buck Canyon is on the left and Gooseberry Canyon on the right.

This is the western side of the Island In The Sky - the Green River side; Candlestick Tower (5865 ft) is at the right. And, if you look closely, to the left of the tree is Cleopatra's Chair.

Here's another of those rents in the Earth's crust - this one from the Green River overlook. Guess what river that is in the center. On the right is Cleo's Chair again, and to the left of center are Ekker Butte and Elaterite Butte.

Here's a zoom in for detail of the Green River. No additional information here. . .

This is a nice, pleasant view, which should be enough. Unfortunately, I now have a feel for the geography - if not the geology - of the area and I can't let it go. Left of center there's a string of features - at least their tops - about 1/4 of the way in from the left. Closest is the Candlestick Tower, next is Ekker Butte, and then Elaterite Butte, between them. Oh! And Cleopatra's Chair is here again - near the right edge of the picture.

That will have to do for now. . .

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