Monday, May 10, 2010

Looking For Telluride

Still headed north on Colorado 145 towards Telluride. . .

Now, we're cooking with gas! A real mountain worthy of the name. Looking at Google Maps and trying to figure out what mountain this might be is tough when you only have a notion of where you were when the picture was taken. My best guess is Mount Wilson, but it's only a guess. Anyway, we've definitely got ourselves an alpine meadow. I expected to see Heidi come traipsing out from behind a tree, maybe with a picnic basket. . .

This is kind of a strange picture. I don't usually shoot normal to a fence line, but I like the simplicity of the three equally spaced trees and the more or less bare hillsides. These are the first clouds of the day and seem luminous, the result of the sun's position directly above them. There will be more later.

It's all about composition, and I like the composition of this well enough, but I've run into a problem. I love shooting with my "big" camera [Canon EOS 10-D] and it's stabilized 28-135mm zoom lens, but with my back against the river I couldn't get either the top or the base of the trees in the frame. Even so, I love the crisp clear blue sky as a background and the chilled temperature in the high 30's.

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