Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Fine Visit

It was a wonderfully peaceful visit. Tony and Donna know that I'll come back every chance I get. (I've been doing it for 45 years now.) I usually like to get a family photo or two when I visit, but I don't always remember. Then, of course, every now and then someone will have his eyes closed or something and I'll have no fallback.

In this case, the "family" photograph should have been Tony and Donna with Satchel. But Satchel decided somewhere along the line that he doesn't like cameras, or having his picture taken. So in this shot, Murphy is standing in for Satchel. But, in the interest of full disclosure, Murphy was clowning around; he laid down and turned away at the last minute, then laughed at me. Well, maybe I imagined that. Fortunately, I'd taken another picture a couple seconds before (before Donna was ready) and was able to combine the two shots so everyone appears to be paying attention.

Here's Satchel, later in the day. He's been for a walk with Donna and couldn't be bothered to leave the room when I pulled out the camera - he just glared at me. Maybe next time I visit Satchel will cut me some slack. He's a handsome fellow - and photogenic, whether he realizes it or not.

This shot of Murphy is my payment for his standing in for Satchel in the first shot. He's a handsome pup too, but he should work on curbing his naked ambition. I tried to explain to him that all fame was fleeting. . . but he just wanted me to "make him famous".

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