Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ranch Road 386 -- Between Fredonia and Mason

Just so you know, I spent much of yesterday reading my users manual for the "big" Canon and familiarizing myself with the procedure for auto exposure bracketing (AEB) and exposure compensation (EC). That means, after my next photo safari I'll have more images suitable for HDR. This may or may not thrill you, but from my point of view it will be a boon.

Cruising the Hill Country, even in April, can be a hot affair. This trip, however, was comfortably cool until about midday when the clouds finally disappeared. I didn't notice it at the time, but there's a little ground fog lingering in the picture above.

Around another corner, another fence row. . . and always more wildflowers on the side of the road.

You know, of course, that this is all Lady Bird's doing. All of these pictures are a tribute to our former First Lady and her good works.

Best Guess: Square-Bud Primrose (Calylophus berlandieri subsp. pinifolius).

I had more on my mind on this drive than the wildflowers. I was keeping my eyes peeled for a pasture of wildflowers graced with a few Texas Longhorns. That would have made my day. Alas, I'm afraid I was the only Longhorn in evidence.

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