Monday, July 13, 2009

Cousins II

This is the second of at least three "Cousins" posts. Counting Blake, who is actually one generation removed from the bunch shown here, we've got 20 kids who qualify. Of course, I've got cousin pictures from my generation as well. Anyway, there are plenty of cousins so I'm not sure how many posts it will take to make everyone famous.

Now here's a crew of cousins for you! This was taken at the family Rendezvous at Crooked Hole in 2004. Lauren, Angela, Paul, Natalie, Drew, Mary Clare, and Allison are performing for the troops, reading their lyrics from the karaoke monitor. Audio would have been nice, but alas. . .

Lisa and Lauren at one of Angela's holiday feasts in Arlington. This particular one is Thanksgiving, 2004. Lauren's certainly got some whipped cream on her plate, but I can't tell whether the whipped cream came with chocolate, buttermilk, or pumpkin pie - or any of the various fruit pies which also grace her dessert tables.

This was taken at Karen's in late September, 2006, when Paul, Lee, and Lauren were visiting. Just as the party was breaking up it occurred to me that I'd better get some pictures of the clan that include Lauren the Elder. So I guess the picture above would be a "twofer plus one" - the subjects are Lauren the Younger, Lauren the Elder, and Allison.

At Karen's house again over Memorial Day weekend, 2009. Natalie and David paused for a moment in their respective transits of the kitchen to pose for me.

This one was taken down in San Antonio at Ellen's. The occasion was grandmother's birthday in 2007. Paul, Allison, and Drew are posing with Allison's cat. She has two that look exactly the same - at least to me. I'm unable to differentiate between them, but I do know their names now. The feline is either Pom-Pom or Princess.

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