Monday, July 6, 2009

Inks Lake I

Our family started going to Inks Lake State Park sometime in the mid to late '60s, after we moved to Austin in 1963. I was a relative late comer, spending most of my '60s in North Carolina then later in the Navy. I understand they had fun at the lake even before I arrived on the scene, but I'm sure they did once I got there and started documenting things. The picture above shows Mary studying by Coleman lamp. The rest of the gang were probably playing cards or Mastermind around a picnic table.

One year Michael surprised Mother with a pair of T-shirts. Here, she shows the first one off to Mrs. D, who had come out for the day with some of her family. The other shirt was emblazoned with one of Mothers favorite sayings, "Beulah, peel me a grape!"

I always like to help out where I can, so when Ellen needed some help with her balance while putting on her shoes. . . I'm sure Angela would have been glad to help as well.

Besides family, various special friends of the family (like Mrs D and family) would often join us - some for the weekend, others just for the day, driving out from Austin. Tim and Beverly came out with us for a number of years, and Tim was kind enough to bring his ski boat much to everyone's delight. Here, Ellen and Cathie await their turns to ski.

We didn't spend all our time on the boat. We hiked park trails to check out the streams and waterfalls, played cards and board games, herded children and puppies, etc. etc. etc. In the picture above Tim does double duty on a hike as both photographer and subject.

Here, in a relatively quiet moment, David and Lisa pose with Aunt Angela. There will be more Inks Lake pictures in coming posts. We had way too much fun to be captured in a single installment.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting these, even though they make me feel old. Great one of Ellen and Cathie, back in the day.
