Monday, August 10, 2009

Cats - all cats are Jellicle Cats - Part 2

Some technical glitch, probably a file limit of some sort with which I was not familiar, caused me to break this post into two parts. Of course, it may just have been my computer suggesting that my post might, in some places, be considered garrulous. Anyway, shall we continue. . . ?

Whether Hush is around or not, Bagheera will be in evidence at Karen and Richard's house. She's a beautiful cat, and she knows it. All I have to do is break out my camera and she moves about posing for me, sure that one day I'll make her famous.

Can you sing at the same time in more than one key?
Duets by Rossini and waltzes by Strauss?
And can you, as cats do begin with a 'C'?
That always triumphantly brings down the house?

This is Casey, who was pretty enough but never had the arrogance of Bagheera, with whom she shared Karen and Richard's house. On the right, Casy's pretending to be a garden gnome. Casey recently moved on to the next life (R.I.P.) and left Bagheera to deal with Sox, Shadow's replacement (see: Parker dogs I have known. . .).

Practical cats, dramatical cats
Pragmatical cats, fanatical cats
Oratorical cats, delphic-oracle cats
Skeptical cats, dyspeptical cats

This fine fellow is Boy Kitty. Angela and Danny have had so many cats, that I suppose they ran out of real names. But that's alright. Boy Kitty comes and goes as he likes, and seems to get along with everyone. He's a great hunter and does sometimes bring home largely unappreciated "gifts" for Angela; it's always fun to be around when he does.

Romantical cats, pedantical cats
Critical cats, parasitical cats

Allegorical cats, metaphorical cats

Statistical cats and mystical cats

When I was preparing materials for this post, I found I had several pictures of a cat I couldn't identify. I finally decided it was probably one of Tracy's critters but, to be sure, I sent a picture to Lauren for a positive ID. Angela and Lauren both answered my e-mail, so here's the straight skinny on the cat above. She was rescued from the pound by Angela and Danny but, after a couple of weeks, she decided that next door was a much "saner" environment - no offense, Chester - and moved over there. The neighbors named the cat "Rufus" but, when told that Rufus was female (I think the term "bitch-kitty" may have been used), she was rechristened Rufina.

So, those are all the Parker cats I have pictures of, though there've been many others over the years. Over at Mary and David's house they have two cats, Tiger and Leo, neither of which suffer paparazzi. They are easy to keep straight, if not keep track of; Tiger is the grayish, brownish one with - get this - spots, not stripes, and Leo is not a buff colored critter exuding a regal air, but a feline black hole as dark as the night. The problem with pictures and these cats is that when I see Tiger's spots I start laughing and can't hold the camera still. And, of course, I couldn't take a picture of Leo because he doesn't reflect light. Ah, well. . .

I wonder if anyone has pictures of Rohar and/or Graybaby (Greybaby?).

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