Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Random Portraits

Cathie -- 1980

This picture was taken in front of the Christmas tree at Mom's house as the clan gathered on Christmas Eve. All was quiet as we waited to reach the critical mass of Parkers for a party to break out.

Ellen -- 1980

I took this picture of Ellen basking in Inks Lake from the back of Tim's Sea Ray. I have a number of pictures of many of the gang on skis, but a disproportionate number of them depict the subjects as unbalanced to some extent - most often physically. In some, the subject is unidentifiable, concealed by a splash of more or less "terminal" imbalance. In this instance, however, Ellen appears completely at ease in her surroundings and exudes unquestioned confidence that she'll maintain her equilibrium through the end of the run regardless of the incompetence of the boat's helmsman.

David -- 1982

This is one of my favorite portraits of all time. I had finished mowing the lawn and David brought the two dogs - Dubbo on the left and Dallas on the right - out to watch me as I trimmed the the shrubs in front of our house on Howerington Circle. I made David the crown of leaves from my clippings and the dogs, always anxious to please, lay expectantly on either side.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great diversion to my 5a.m. study hour. I'm really enjoying seeing thse. Thanks.
    Love, Ang
