Thursday, October 28, 2010

Clicking Away

For those of you who couldn't find the "comment" link next to the email icon, I take it you're checking out the post on the automatic notification email. When you get one of those notifications from "Forty Years or so. . .", delete the email and go to the blog itself on your web browser. The pictures and comments are/were the same as the email version but the email has probably not been through all the editing iterations the website has - and the web presentation is so much more pleasing.


Once again, it's about the light interacting with the surf - and having a good battery and gigabytes of storage for your pictures. . .

Just beyond the breakers there are a couple of surfers - two in the picture above, one below - who until this morning I had classed as pelicans. I'm sure they'll be pleased to know they've had their "human" status restored.

I like the detail picked up in the foreground now that the sun's higher, but it's gotten too high now to be shooting directly into it.

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